Friday, February 26, 2016

2nd maintenance testing was by far the hardest thing yet!!!!

I will not bore you with the details of how this all works but the short of the long is that over the past 4 years I have learned 8 "forms" which are (as my Mom says) like a choreographed dance(but we DO NOT dance)....anyway for every belt earned you have learned and are tested on a 16-20 step form, self-defense moves and board breaking that of course change and get more challenging as the belts get higher.  Last night was my last "normal" testing which means I had to do all 4 of the hardest forms was a challenge to practice for this for months and the testing ceremony was well, intimidating to say the least.  I rocked it and even got one of the very few trophies that are handed out for different things at each testing ceremony.  I was recognized for my "consistency" and LOVE my trophy!!  On March 18th I will have another testing day but this one is to show you are ready for Black Belt so there is no time to slow down!  I will keep you posted. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Today Cooper turns 1!  We love our Coopey Coop more than we ever imagined....he is such a loving addition to our family!  Happy Birthday to this guy!

Saturday, February 6, 2016


I WILL BE TESTING FOR MY BLACK BELT IN 11 WEEKS!  APRIL 23RD IS THE BIG DAY!  I have been waiting a long time to get to the point of learning the basic movements to music....we all have to be right together and they are serious about it!  Last night was my first night to learn it and man did they go fast....I will get there but Mom thought this was pretty good for night one!