Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Headin' South

Tomorrow morning Mommy, Daddy, Luey, KoKo and I are heading to TN. Mommy included some random pics taken in the last 2 days as well as a picture of the invite for my big bash. The more I hear about it the more excited I become. Apparently there will be fun in the water, carousel rides and cake. Check back in a few days for pictures with all my family and friends in TN.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

How we spent the 1st full day of Summer

Mommy apologizes for not posting an update at 11 months; in her defense I keep her pretty busy. Here are a few new highlights:
* I have a few consistent words in my vocabulary: duck, out, hot, Mama & Daddy. My Mommy always puts her hand up to her coffe and says "hot", therefore, I thought I would do the same. "Fish" does have an interesting "thish" sound but the attention/giggles are such positive feedback.
* I will surely touch your nose or my teeth when asked "where they are", as well as tap my head when asked where my hat goes.
* I continued to have little to no interest in a sippy cup so Daddy bought me a toddler cup with a built in straw. I heard the buzz of concern in me figuring out the straw but HAHAHA, it took me all of 2 minutes. Today I drank about 4 ounces of water.
* I am eager to try any food you want to share with me, a few faves are grilled cheese, cut up pieces of banana, watermelon, apple, mango and canteloupe, baked potato, peas, roasted asparagus and steamed broccoli. I enjoy goldfish crackers and cheese for snacks too.
* I crawl at 100MPH (or a little more :)) and I cruise all around anything that will give leverage. I have let go a few times in the last few days but stood very still. I have attempted several times to use Luey & KoKo as support but they are simply uncooperative. Speaking of my dogs, they are fleeing for their lives. :)
* I continue to enjoy my swim lessons and just started a new gym class.
* Daddy just babyproofed the family room for the 3rd time. I assume you are puzzled by this, as was he. The babyproofing apparatus is no match for me, I simply pull it off and throw the pieces to the side often after snapping it in half. Speaking of snapping things in half, you will notice in the pictures I am wearing Daddy's sunglasses, which I snapped in half once done with them.
Well, that is about it for now, but as I understand it big things are coming up in the next few weeks. The pictures are from yesterday when Mommy, Daddy and I took the ferry from Bridgeport to Long Island New York. Mommy was very amused with the fact that we ate at a restaurant in Chandler's Square. I myself enjoyed the enormous rubber duckies. I did indeed get to bring one home.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

What a fun playdate

My Friday playdates just keep getting funner and funner!!!! :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I finally got to experience the swings

Mommy has been talking about finding a park with infant swings but has had no luck. Yeah, for my friend Charlotte!! Mommy and I spent the day with Charlotte and her Mommy yesterday and they took us to their local park. I want a swing at my house!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My new gym class started yesterday

I am so excited to be starting a new gym class now that I can go, go, go!!! Mommy could not keep up with me yesterday. I did hear her saying something to Daddy about how well I should nap on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. As you can see I had no reservations about a new facility or new people.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Our Father's Day events

The first pics were a surprise for Daddy. Mommy, Jennifer, Charlotte and I enjoyed an afternoon at Hands on Pottery making special gifts for our Daddys'. Check out the end result of my project, Daddy loved it. Mommy did most of the work but she said my handprints were the most important part. On Sunday we all enjoyed brunch at Cobb's Mill Inn in Weston, Ct. The waterfall and the ducks were my favorite part, well other than Daddy. :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

Climbing the stairs

I've been climbing the small stairs for a few weeks, but I thought I would give the big staircase a try. It's a long journey, but it's worth it. I'm sure I can beat Luey up the stairs soon.