Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Party

Last night was super fun as the playgroup and many more gathered at Ella and Sophia's house for some spooky fun. As you will see, there were super-heroes, princess and fairies as well as ladybugs and bumblebees. I was excited Daddy was in on the fun and accompanied me as" Batman II". A special thanks to the Guidice Family for hosting such a fun party for me and my friends!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trunk or Treat at school!!

Today was soooo much fun! I was so excited to wear my costume to school and even though Mommy was telling me she was staying there and I would see her later to get treats I did not get it. Once we all got outside I could not believe the festivities going on!! There was spooky music, so many parents there giving out treats and even the cars were decorated. Mommy admitted she needs to do better next year on that front but the treats were the real focus.
I was also informed that this is just the first of many events the Halloween weekend has in store, YAY!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Westport BBQ and Blue's festival

Mommy realized last night this post slipped through the cracks but we had so much fun she wanted to backstep!! It was certainly a warm day in late September here in Connecticut but nonetheless me and Charlotte has a super great time!

Friday, October 22, 2010

big changes in my day to day!

Unfortunately my new school-year did not get off to a good start. I will not get into the details but the short of the long was I was not happy and it was simply not turning out to be a positive experience. After lots of consideration, investigation and observation Mommy chose a new school for me. The good news is I love it! I started this week and am so happy. I wake up and voice that I am ready to go to my new school, I sing the songs and have very positive feedback regarding my teachers. Mommy and Daddy call this preschool a "play-based" learning environment and I am not having trouble in the least leaving behind the "Montessori way" of doing things. Another great part is Mommy had options on how many days to send me so I get to stay home on Wednesdays now...WOOHOO!! I am a bit of a "home-body" so this works well for me.:)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A rough week...........

this has been a tough week starting from last Saturday afternoon when I felt pretty lousy and the fevers started. By Monday morning I had a fever of 103.6 but still no symptoms(Mommy was pretty concerned). Anyway, Daddy had the day off so the 3 of us headed to the pediatrician where it was just thought to be viral and we came on home. By the afternoon fevers were still around 103 on and off and I began to complain about pain in my belly specifically on the right side. Finally a symptom but apparently not a good one.....Dr. Lori sent us to Yale Children's ER where we spent the evening and into the morning being checked out. It was not appendicitis but something that presents like that and apparently sends alot of kiddos my age to the ER. My fever was above 104 when we arrived but they had me feeling better soon. I was so not a fan of the "shot that stays in" or the IV as Mommy called it but I did get many complements on what a brave and well-mannered patient I was. I am finally fever free and got out of the house today.

Friday, October 8, 2010

A visit to Pumpkinseed Hill pumpkin patch with DiDi

Today we had a great time pickin' pumpkins, running through the pumpkin patch and taking a hay ride! We came home with a fabulous pumpkin that looks great on our front porch.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fun with DiDi continues....

....yesterday I was out of school for parent/teacher conferences so we took full advantage of the "free day". We enjoyed taking Didi to a fun place with lots of neat things to do. DiDi and me enjoyed stories at bedtime too!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Living large...

I have another visitor from Tennessee here this week. My DiDi is here and we are having a blast. Mommy's birthday is today and we have celebrated all day.