Thursday, November 27, 2008


My latest thing is to "request" Luey and KoKo get into my crib when I wake up in the morning and at naptime. I am pretty sure they are fine with it, KoKo even rolls around on her back sometimes making herself at home. Anyway, I hope everyone has a blessed day.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Got Milk???

Check it out, Mommy let me have the carton of milk to play with. It has been a little crazy around here for a couple days, Mommy and me both have a head cold and are stuck inside. Either way, I am constantly wanting the milk and can never talk Mommy into it (until today that is :)). She did mention drinking from the carton is not very polite. This game did not last long however, I quickly realized my milk is the yellow carton, not the purple and a new request, ie... demand was in the works.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Holiday Festivities

This morning we had alot of fun at the Enchanted Forests 2008 Children's Events. We enjoyed the gingerbread village, holiday boutiques, and a picture with Santa. Okay, so maybe I was not so enthusiastic about my moment in Santa's lap but I did give it a go for Mommy. After we left there, we enjoyed a fun lunch at Friendly's that ended with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, YUMMY!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

a HAT fashion show

My Nana made me several hats and sent them just in time for the cold weather that has arrived. Mommy insisted I try each and every one on and of course she had the camera out. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANA!!!!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

What is your opinion on my hand or better yet, "finger" in helping out in the kitchen?

I have the baster and from what I understand Thanksgiving Dinner is alot easier to prepare with some help!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A busy week so far

Monday Mommy and me had great fun at Mia's house. Her Mommy, Charlotte and her Mommy were all there too, we all had lunch and lots of playtime. Tuesday Mommy and me joined Charlotte, Hayley and their Mommies for some music at The Chef's Table in Fairfield. I loved the music and even got to play with the guitar at the end.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

16 months old (yesterday)

We have been busy but Mommy wanted to post an update, better late than never.
I have become pretty picky with eating but I do love lightly toasted plain bagels, broccoli cheddar soup, maple & brown sugar cream of wheat, couscous, sweet potatoes and Yo Baby yogurt. I continue to work on feeding myself and doing a pretty good job.
I know many signs, including: milk, cookie, eat, more, all done, book, please, help, rain, book, night-night, stop, play, bath and up.
I am very into kicking a ball, climbing, running and riding my toys. I do a great job going forward and backwards on my riding toys. I also love to walk down small steps (by stepping down) unassisted. I am very entertained with spinning around in circles until I am too dizzy to stand up. :)
I love to play the "body part" game. I can show you my nose, teeth, tongue, arms, legs, feet, toes, fingers, hair, ears and eyes.
I am very into coloring and working with my shape sorter. I can always successfully get the oval, circle and star.
I know the motions to the itsy-bitsy spider song and will do it as many times as someone will sing it.
As for talking, I can say thank-you, down, out, moo, cheese, shoe, home, No-No-No, uh-oh, yeah, Dada and "Mum" for Mommy and "otter" for water. I do have some words only Mommy & Daddy understand: truck, squirrel, Luey, KoKo and coffee.
I nap once a day from around noon to 2 or 3 o' clock without any protest at all. Actually, at naptime and bedtime (which is 8PM) when Mommy and Daddy say it is time for night-night, I do the sign and head straight upstairs to brush my teeth and read books. Mommy and Daddy are very proud of me. I sleep straight through the night until between 6:30 and 7am. YAY, for everybody.
I continue to enjoy gym class on Wednesday, music on Friday and swimming on Saturday, as well as my playgroups every other Tuesday and most Thursdays.

I guess that is about it for now, we hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Early Christmas shopping...

HaHaHa, how lucky am I to wear the hat. I attempted to flirt with the check out girl in hopes she would not wring up the hat but oh no, in the bag it went.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Possibly a Southpaw????

Mommy and Daddy have noticed for some time I tend to use my left hand more than my right. I have been working on feeding myself for a while now and always do a better job when using my left hand. I know, I know there is certainly a bit of a mess with the couscous but you should see the aftermath when yogurt is on the menu. :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday afternoon fun...

Yesterday was alot of fun at Playtime Village! Not only did Daddy get to check the place out but Steve from the New Haven Symphony Orchestra was there with instruments. As you will see in video # 2, I was ready to sneak out with the borrowed maraca. :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A great place to play (check me out in action too...)

Mommy had promised a day at the park today but rain put a damper on that, however, Mommy saved the day. We had the greatest time at a place called Playtime Village. I can't wait to take Daddy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Free estimates for Fall cleanup....

I've got my rake if you've got the leaves. Mommy is not convinced anything other than sillyness was accomplished but we had a good time.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A great visit with DiDi & Grandaddy

Wow, what a great visit I had this past week with my DiDi and Grandaddy. We certainly had an action packed week but as you will see, they enjoyed every minute. I am so glad they were able to join in on all my weekly activities. We went to music, gym, the aquarium, a Halloween party and trick or treating. Check out Grandaddy in music class and DiDi in gym class... Mommy had the video going. :):):)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Halloween Party

What a fun filled week it has been! This week Charlotte and Hayley's mommies turned our playgroup fun into a spooky Halloween gathering. Check out just how great all the costumes are. DiDi & Grandaddy were so excited to join the festivities.